Sophia.AI API
I am currently working on a decentralized teaching/learning platform hosted on blockchain, where I am responsible for developing the API, built with Django REST framework and PostgreSQL. In this platform, users can create their own 'knowledge paths' (similar to courses) that others can consume. Additionally, users can create content linked to specific topics, and this content can be associated with knowledge paths. Users can review courses, topics, and content through comments and votes, as well as make cryptocurrency donations and access different user plans. Broadly speaking, these are the core features of the application.
JobRest APIDjangoDjangoRestPostgreSQLKalamar Campaigns
I developed this project for a marketing company, where I handled the client/frontend side of an application designed to streamline the creation and launch of advertising campaigns on various platforms, such as Google Ads and Meta Ads. The application includes a homepage, login and signup options, and an intuitive Typeform-style form for campaign creation. I built it using Next.js, with styling implemented through Tailwind CSS and Material-UI (Mui). Additionally, the application is integrated with technologies like Amazon S3 for campaign image storage and ChatGPT for generating advertising text, among others.
JobNext.jsTailwindCSSMaterial UIMultiGTG
This was a project I worked on; it is an application for uploading photo albums. On the homepage, you can find the albums and their first 4 photos, which can be selected when the photos are uploaded. There is a search feature to find matching titles and tags. The application was developed with Django, JavaScript, and Bootstrap. Nginx and Docker were used to deploy the app, and PostgreSQL was used for the database. The client was satisfied with the app and the fact that I completed the important features in a short time.
JobDjangoJSBootstrapNginxDockerPostgreSQLPDF Generator
This was a project I worked on; it is an application who generates PDFs from CSVs containing Google Ads analytics information. What it did was send several CSVs from a React application to an API developed in Django, and the API was responsible for generating a PDF that summarized the information from the CSVs. The summary was created through artificial intelligence, and after being processed, it was saved in a database and sent back to the React application. There, the user could view and/or download their AI-generated summary. I was responsible for the development of the React application, which is what the user sees, and also the API and its respective connections. I did not develop the way the PDF generation through AI is done, although I was reviewing and solving some problems in that process. Additionally, I handled the deployment of the API on AWS using Docker and Nginx.
JobDjangoRestPostgreSQLReactJSDockerNginxExams App
This application was made for a client and is still under maintenance. It is a high school exam management app; each exam has information about the year, grade, subject, start and end time, as well as its respective questions and answers. The teacher can create, modify, and delete exams, as well as student accounts. Students can take exams intuitively, see how much time is left, and view the results upon finishing the exam. It was built with Django and DjangoRest for the backend, and ReactJS for the frontend. Additionally, Zustand was used for state management, and JWT for user authentication.
JobDjangoRestPostgreSQLReactJSTailwindCSSZustandCyber Cafe Reservations
This is an application for booking devices such as PCs, PlayStation, Nintendo, and Xbox. Users can choose the type of device they want to use, specify the start and end times for their usage, and select the specific device. Users can view their reservations, and for ongoing reservations, they can see in real-time how much usage time they have left on the device. The administrator has the ability to add new devices and manage user reservations. It was developed with Django, Vanilla JavaScript, and Bootstrap.
Personal ProjectDjangoJSBootstrapLomitos API
This project is a REST API that contains information about some fast-food places, mainly snack bars, in my city, Santiago del Estero, Argentina. To obtain the data, a web scraping library called Selenium was used on the Google Maps page. The API features user authentication, pagination, filters, all CRUD operations, and other functionalities. For the development of the API, Django Rest Framework, PostgreSQL, Docker, an Nginx server, and Gunicorn were used for deployment. The API was deployed on AWS. There is also documentation about the API written in ReactJS, which is available. It's worth noting that the API is currently not available in the cloud.
Personal ProjectDjangoRestPostgreSQLReactJSTailwindCSSDockerNginxPomoMon
PomoMon is a tool designed to improve productivity and time management through the Pomodoro technique. You can configure the time for the pomodoros (work time), breaks, and long breaks. You can also choose an alarm and its volume for when the session ends. This application was created with React and TypeScript, as well as libraries such as Zustand and TailwindCSS.
Personal ProjectReactTypescriptZustandTailwindCSSEcommerce
This application would be a sort of MercadoLibre, where there is user authentication, user addresses, products, product search, filters, comments, reviews, refunds, and a shopping cart. In addition, each user can post their products and buy products from other users. The application also includes a test payment gateway. ReactJS was used for the frontend, and Django Rest Framework for the backend.
Personal ProjectDjangoRestPostgreSQLReactJSTailwindCSSMy first personal website
This website contains a brief presentation about me, a section for my projects, and a blog. The blog had a category filter and pagination. To obtain the projects, the Github API was used to fetch data from my repositories and then store it in a PostgreSQL database. ReactJS was used for the frontend, and Django Rest Framework for the backend. The backend was deployed on AWS, using Docker and Nginx. Currently, the blog and the projects section are not available.
Personal ProjectDjangoRestPostgreSQLReactJSDockerNginx